
There is a wide variety of installation concepts for utility buildings, including:

  • All electric solution for an office, school or sports hall
  • Hybrid solution (PVT panels with heat pump + gas) for large energy consuming entities, such as swimming pools
  • Hot tap water installation for sports facilities, student and/or apartment complexes
  • ATES installation with regeneration by PVT heat pump panels
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All electric solution

The all electric solution offers the possibility to heat utility buildings without using gas, through a heat pump in combination with PVT heat pump panels. There is no limit to the installed capacity of the heat pump. If there is a cooling demand, a hot and a cold buffer tank is installed with a hydraulic reversing unit, with which the heat pump can actively cool.

University of West London goes sustainable with Triple Solar PVT heatpump panels & NIBE heatpumps

How do you make a school building more sustainable? In this video, the University of West London shows how they did it. No fewer than 580 Triple Solar PVT heat pump panels were installed as a source for the NIBE Energy Systems Limited heat pumps, plus another ground source. This installation will save 500 tons of CO2 per year.

Swimming pool

In addition to the aforementioned all electric solution, a gas boiler can be added to accomodate a high peak load. This is a typical solution for swimming pools. In such a case, the heat pump with PVT heat pump panels offer substantial energy savings.

Triple Solar-pool-heating-PVT-heat pump-panel-de-welle-drachten-01

ATES regeneration

Triple Solar® provides PVT heat pump panels for ATES regeneration. A common problem with Heat Cold Storage, the so called Aquifer Thermal Energy System (ATES), is that more heat than cold is extracted from the source, thus resulting in a cold surplus. This often occurs in care complexes with little cooling demand, therefore affecting the operation and efficiency of the installation. This can additionally cause problems with the permit granted.

ATES regeneration housing care real estate Triple Solar heatpump solar panel

Large scale hot tap water

Many apartment complexes, for example for students, have a high demand for DHW. Traditionally, solar collectors were placed for this purpose in order to save energy and CO2. With the tap water installation from Triple Solar® the efficiency increases, because the heat pump combined with the PVT heat pump panels produces tap water with a high efficiency (SPF 3.8) all year round. Instead of an average of 1,100 hours of solar energy, you have a 24/7 hot water production (total of 8,760 hours). Paired with the electrical output you save a lot of energy and CO2.
