What is a PVT-system?

The Triple Solar PVT system consists of PVT heat pump panels in combination with the PVT heat pump. The system converts the generated solar energy and heat from the PVT heat pump panels into sustainable heat, cooling, hot water and electricity for the home. In all seasons, 24 hours a day and also when it is cloudy or frosty.


How does the Triple Solar system work?

In addition to electricity, our PVT panels also generate heat. The front of the PVT panel consists of solar cells (PV) that convert sunlight into electricity, also known as solar panels. The back of the panel is a thermal exchanger (T) and extracts heat from the outside air and the panel. The PVT panels are the energy source for the PVT heat pump.

The generated heat from the PVT heat pump panels converts the PVT heat pump into usable heat for heating and hot tap water. Our heat pump is smart, compact and specially designed for our system. The heat pump uses the most modern techniques, including the natural refrigerant propane, and uses the generated electricity very economically.

Benefits of the PVT system

One system for heat and electricity, 24 hours a day and in all seasons.
Silent PVT panels for any type of roof instead of a noisy outdoor unit or ground drilling.
Minimal maintenance required due to lack of moving parts.
Lifetime of more than 25 years and 10-year warranty on PVT panels.
Durable system because it is built from European components.
High return and up to 5% increase in home value.


What does the PVT system consist of?

The main components of the system are:

  • PVT heat pump panels.
  • PVT heat pump.
  • Hot water storage 200 liters.
  • Inverter. The installer recommends the inverter type.


Application of the system

There are two ways to install the PVT system: hybrid and all-electric (gasless). Only an all-electric PVT system can be installed in new-build homes, because gas cannot be used. We have developed a hybrid PVT system for existing houses. This system works together with the central heating boiler and can be installed quickly and easily. As a result, more houses can be heated sustainably and you quickly save money and CO2.

In addition to new and existing homes, the PVT system can also be installed in utility buildings and housing corporations. We also offer possibilities for a heat network with PVT panels and a thermal energy storage regeneration with PVT panels.

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